If you would prefer the Edith Hamilton approach, feel free to simply read the thirty page story out of your book. Fun isn't for everyone.
DAY ONE: Take Theseus through the first part of his story. Then come back to the blog and write about your adventure. (Keep track of how many times you die and include that in your post-journey summary.) You may start on part two today if you finish writing about part one. To save your place, bookmark the page you are on.
Go to the blog and write about your first day's journey. After you're done with this, you can go back and start the second part, which is much harder.
DAY TWO: Finish Theseus' quest. Then come back to the blog and write about the second leg.
Also answer these questions:
What is heroic about Theseus? What isn't?
How do choices impact a person's life?
Is being a hero easy?
Do you prefer this method of storytelling to a regular narrative? Why or why not?
GOOD LUCK! (REMEMBER: Try to have a little bit of fun.)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 294 of 294In my story I choose to move the rock and recieve the sword and sandles. My mother tells me that my father lives in Athens and that if I was able to move the rock then I was ready to make the journey to Athens if I wished. I choose to make the trip by sea. After a long journey of the mean crew and being thown overboard once I finally made it to Athens. When I got there I asked a young women for help to the palace but she was no help so I asked a young boy who had his father announce me. Once I got there I was interagated by a evil woman who did not like me at all. But after eating with my father he decided to put her to death and she vanished. I died 4 times throughout my whole journey.
My journey to find my father was a tough one. I had to leave my mother behind just as my father did. I also had to kill a man on the way. I died about 6 times on the way from all the stupid decisions I made and did not think them through. I told Medea that I had come to see my father and she killed me. I finally made it passed her and almost got poisoned! But in the end I found my father and all is well!
Theseus dies in my story 10 times. I decided to go to Athens instead of staying with my mother. I didn't want to lift the rock bolder. I went on the left road and that took me to Athens. I was at the city so i went to talk to the unicher. I went inside the building made a toast to him and drank from the cup, then i won.
This is a story about a young man who was abandoned by his father. KNowing all along what the bot had in store for him, his mother made sure that he grew up to be big and strong so that he could one day move the boulder his fatther had set for him. when he finds the sword and sandles his father had set there for him he decides to go to athens and find his father. along the way hr kills a man and all the people start talking about it. when hr gets there he meets a young boy who gets him to meet his father. at first the king doesnt know he is his son and tries to poison him, then he finds out thr truth and is reunited with his father
Well i died six times during my quest due to bad choices. I chose to lift the rock and talk to my mother and she told me about my father. I soon departed down the road and came to a crossing. I took the left path that was more rocky. I managed to kill the bandit by biting him and throwing him over the cliff. I made it safely to Athens and talked to the old man and then the urchin who took me to see the priestess. I told the priestess i wanted to stop the sacrifices and we were interupted my the kings summons. We joined the king and i almost drank the poison but the king recognized me as his son and killed the witch for treachery.
Well the second day of his journey started off pretty good cause i didnt kill him. So Thesus decided to toast it up with the king. That was the end Medea got killed so that was pretty cool.
Theseus died about 13 times. I just kind of had to go with my gut feeling on most of them. On the part with the urchen I took all of them and finally I decided to go with the urchen, and then getting through the castle wasn't hard enough. It seemed like on some parts that I died on everything. When choosing weather to toast or not I decided to toast and finally won.
I have now finished part 1. I died a total of 8 times. When I was at the dinner that the king invited me to Medea had him pass me a cup that I was told would be the end of my life if I didn't drink of it. Then just as I was starting to drink from it the king realized that I was his son and made Medea be banned from Athens.
We died two times in the story. when thesues was growing up he lived with his mother and his mother said that in order to meet your father you must grow strong. When she thought he was strong enough she tested him by making him move the boulder and retrieving his fathers sword and sandals; his father was the king of athens and theseus had to journey to athen in order to meet him. Thesues accepts this journey and he decided to travel by land, where he goes under the shady trees and he defeats sinis. Later in the story he makes it to athens and reunites wit his father.
Part 2 was defiantely much harder than part 1, even worse than i was expecting. You definately have to have your confidence in the rat boy, he is the man to go with. I tried the blonde girl numerous times and kept dying. I finally went with the rat boy, which also died many times, only because of all the decisions you have to make in the end. But in the end, Madea is no longer alive, so i consider it to be a successfull day
the second part was crazy. i died at least 60 times and got frustrated and this just wasn't a good experience for me. "choose your own adventures" are just not my thing. especially when it has to do with Theseus. and once again i learned you shouldn't trust random blonde girls. they're crazy and will get you killed. im glad i became a hero though. that was pretty cool. and i got to go swimming. fun times. and im going to read the real thing out of the book because im lame like that i guess. the storys kind of fuzzy for me. i want the story without all the distractions and dying.
I think that part 2 was definitly the worst part, if you go with the blonde girl then you will die. you have to go with the rat boy and after that it gets harder. i died alot in this part but i finally finished.
Wow this part definitely made me make a lot more decisions than the first. I got passed it but only after dying like 20 times. I knew i should go with the ratboy but after i did i still died several times. I think i killed him a few times too along the way. I did finally get to the end of my journey though.
just finished my second half and that sucked. i probably died 85 times or more. i decided to be a prisoner then i talked to the rat boy and we over powered the ship then once we got to the island we jumped the wall and waited for adriane. then i entered the labrinth which sucked. i finally slayed the minos and brought the head back. adriane and i left and she became we queen. we returned to athens happily.he is heroic because he does painfull stuff to save others even if it hurts him.he isnt heroic on how he is always bragging about how he will soon be king. choices impact a persons life very much. if theseus just decide he didnt want to move the boulder then none of this would have happened. being a hero can suck because people always want you to help out with difficult stuff but then again if you are stong and beastly it can be easy. i prefer this because you actually have to pay attention and you dont have to listen to people try and make their voice sound like a character when they are reading which at times can be bad.
in the second part i died like 25 times i think, but finally got through it...i met a rat boy, killed some gaurds, sailed a ship to crete...met araidne at the labrynth...i entered the building passed the traps, killed the minotaur, and was supposed to get married to araidne but i left her when i sailed back home...so yea
He is heroic because of his journeys he made and the risks he took.
Choices impact your life, because it can make you happy,angry, sad,etc.
No, you have to risk your life daily.
We prefer it because we pick our own way to go and learn from our mistakes
i think that he was heroic because he worked to get strong and when he was he defeted every obstacle that came to him. If we make a bad choice then we could die from it.No it is not easy at all. yes because it keeps me interested and i actually have to read and remember it to finish the game.
Theseus is herioc because he is willing to put his life at risk for other people that he barely knows. Being a hero isnt the easiest thing in the world because then people always rely on you to do everything. Choices impact a persons life because it could mean life and death. We prefer reading with just a normal reading because we like straight up answers.
he is heroic because he defeats the beast and that save athens. each choice would lead a person on a different journey. being a hero is not always easy because there is alot of death around you. storytelling its funnier.
In section of my story I find that all is heroic about theseus. Choices are what life is all about, you make them and accept the consiquences. Being a hero can be easy in the fact of being in the right place at the right time and make the right decision is all it takes. I prefer this way of reading a story of choosing which direction you want to go. In this part of my story after meeting my father, I vow to slay the beast of Cretes and save athens. to do this I must be a captive and sail to
cretes. There I meet the designer of the Labyrith and he helps finding ways to destroy the beast...
I didn't get to finish but Theseus tries to be all big and bad and try and defeat the monster. I'm not sure if he won or not. Choices impact our lives because if you make the wrong decision you could fail or even die. Just try and try again. Being a hero is not easy because you have so much to live up for and you try to win and if you don't win you let all those people down that were wanting you to win. I liked this method of storytelling, it was an overall good experience!
1.Theseus is heroic because he goes to crete to free the athenians from their debt. 2.Choices impact of a persons life by altering what happens. being a hero is not easy. yes i do prefer this method of story telling cause it makes you feel like your in control of the story.
Theseus is heroic because he tries to EARN the kingdom instead of recieving it for just being related to the king. He isn't because he does some of the things that aren't so smart. Choices can either help or hurt someone's life...
1) He left his mom and everything him and her had to go find his dad in Athens. He had to kill a minotaur and find his way through a labrynth, and his whole journey.
He is kinda a coward sometimes and a baby.
2) Well what choices you make now will effect the rest of your life. Everyday you make a choice and ultimately by making these choices your making your future.
3) No being a hero is difficult cause everyone depends on you to make the right moves.
4) Yes we do, it is more interactive and fun. I feel like i learn more from this style of reading.
my journey this part was about the same as last, dying about as many times as I did in the first part. In the second part Theseus is a hero because he is trying to do good for the whole city Athens. Choices impact a person's life because in some ways they can mean life or death like in Theseus' journey. Being a hero is not easy at all it means giving up many things that you love sometimes to help others. I do prefer this...couldn't finish
he is herotic because he doesn't fear anything and does things for the greater good.
choices impact peoples lives because even the slightest decision can effect your life
being a hero is not easy
i think that he does'nt need to walk that much just to find his father.
The fact that Theseus wants to defeat the minotaur for his father's lands makes him heroic.
Because one wrong choice can lead to worse things later on in life. But when you make the right choice, you get the rewards for it eventually.
No, being a hero is not an easy job. There is a lot of responsibility.
Yes! It is much more interesting than reading it out of a book.
My journey was very frustrating! Theseus was a hero because when he gets back to his kingdom he will have proven his wortyness to the people there. However he isnt a hero because in the end he didnt free his people completally of the king of the other land. Choices of people impact a persons life because what you do in life will always affect the outcome of your life. What you do today could very well determine what will happen tomorrow in some way. Being a hero is probably not easy just because of the fact that you will always have to live up to that. Yes i prefer the storytelling because i feel much more involved in the story. All in all i died like 80 times but i made it through and learned a lot about the story of Theseus. Thanks! haha
in the second part i liked it but it was hard finding the way through the story i died four times. I really felt bad for the girl because she helped him and he did not marry her but what happens, happens. his life became better. alot of choices affect a life because one wrong move and your life can be over...
Theseus seem as if he has many herioc qualities. It was just hard for me to comprehend the story well, when I was more focused on trying to get through. It threw me off when I had to continously go back and redo my choices. Anyway, choices apparently effect peoples' lives in some major way. The blog is nice in the fact that it would be awesome if you could truly go back in time and change the outcome. For Theseus it seems as if it is easy for him to be a hero like it just comes naturaly....
Taylor Craig
Theseus is heroic because he wants to save athens before he becomes the King, which shows he willing to put himself before others when he doesn't have to. Choices impact a person's life because it decides wat you do next in your life..each decision in your life if pretty important wether it be something simple or major....[[Sorry didn't finish]]
Theseus is heroic in the fact that he doesn't give up. But I think he is also driven by pride which could eventually be his downfall. The choices one makes will affect everything in the future. Just like in the story, the choices that you make could affect the choices that are available in the future. Being a hero is definitely not easy...
In my journey I died a lot. I always choose ask mother and a few times I died. When I got the chance to go on land or sea I choose land. I talk to a few people on the way and died again. When I got to the kings palace I had to talk to the guards and find someone to convience them to let me in. I finally got in and talked an evil lady and she wouldnt let me talk to the king which was my dad. Then he came and invited us to dinner. We went to dinner and I held a toast to him and he realized I was his son by the sword I had on my belt. Then I got to meet my dad in the end.
In my story I didnt die much, I only died twice. I was raised by a single mother that told me I had to be strong to be able to meet my dad, and when I pushed over the boulder succesfully it was proof that I was his son. On my way to meet him I met a fat guy that pushed me over a cliff. After I died I went into the town where my father lived and I met everyone there was to talk to. The little boy finally showed me to the guards and they let me in the castle. After I got in I talked with the Queen and then I had dinner with my dad. I made a toast to my dad and he realzied I was his son.
My journey as Theseus was kind of rough. He makes the wrong choice and dies a few times. He starts off by choosing the wrong path to travel down and ends up dying. When he chooses again he defeats the bad guy and makes his way toward the kingdom. He picks the wrong person to talk to and isnt let in by the guards. He then picks a different person, the little boy, and gets in. When he talks to the evil lady at the kingdom she is going to kill him until they are told to report to the dinner with the king. There, she tries to get him killed but then the king asks him where he got his sword and he said that his father left it for him. They are reunited as father and son and complete the toast. The evil woman is then put to death. They are now ready to rule the kingdom together and fight all evil in their path.
What is heroic about Theseus? What isn't?
He's courageous.
How do choices impact a person's life?
one wrong turn and you die.
Is being a hero easy?
no, its not.
Do you prefer this method of storytelling to a regular narrative? Why or why not?
yes, because you'll remember it better since you're the one making the decisions and it feels like you're the one experiencing everything.
What is heroic about Theseus? What isn't?
He was willing to die in order to prove to the people that he would be a good king for them. He made foolish promises that he knew he would not be able to keep.
How do choices impact a person's life?
It can change the entire outcome of his/her life. One bad mistake made early in life can ealiy ruin it later.
Is being a hero easy?
Being a hero is far from easy. Sometimes going the right thing may still end up hurting people.
Do you prefer this method of storytelling to a regular narrative? Why or why not?
Yes and no. It makes it kind of fun but at the same time it gets annoying to have to repeat the same thing over and over again when you die.
My journey, i died about 11 times. I met a ratboy when i was in prison. We both were on a ship with alot of guards. We tried to distract them in order to escape our prison. The ratboy got captured, but i escaped. I then went to the garden where a moster was. I was very careful not to bother it. Then at the end of my journey i killed my father.
in the second day of my journey i was killed many times, mostly on a boat by a stupid archer..... that was loads of fun then i went to the island and saw icarass and his father jump from a cliff and was like whoooo awsome.... then i killed the minotaur with his sisters help tho she didnt like that i chopped off his head and left her on the island.... o well life goes on im king now WHOOOO!!!!! PARTY!!!!!!
Theseus helped many people and slayed the minatour. He forgot to change the sails so he accidenataly killed his father. Choices that seem right at the time could be the wrong choice and you could mess up your life or end up...dead. Being a hero isn't easy because with one mistake it could ruin your life. I prefer this style because in the end I decided the fate of the main character.
alright so part two of my journey was straight awful, i did countless times on the ship, dropped to my death in the throne room too many times, it took me ages to get to the garden and even longer to finally make it into the labyrith, me being clever as i am though i mastered the labyrinth quickly and slayed the minotaur, i then decided to leave the princess on an island for she wouldve decieved me and then me being foolish forgot to change my sails and my father died...but now im king and its totally BA! got me the little sister of that one chick i did!
Today I died like 10 times. I went to Crete and into the labrynth where i found that one chick with the minotaur brother who wants to marry me. then i killed the minotaur. i went back to the ship and sailed off
My journey in the second part was a bit different. It overall was easier because I knew what I was doing this time. I died countless times and most of them were when I was within the laberynth. That was by far the hardest part of the whole journey. I would estimate dying around 15 to 20 times.
i died so many times in this adventure its un real. and i ahte how you have to leave your hot wife behind or else she will kill you. tragic
So today on my journey i got as far as somewhere in the labryinth. I died about 10 times. I kept memorizing which way to go and each way i died. He met some new people and got help from rat boy. I liked rat boy. Of course thesus had to keep reminding himself that he wasn't in love with the princess. That guy definitely has love on his mind. All in all im pretty sure thesus had a better day today than yesterday. He was reunited with his father in the beginning and then he wanted to prove to athens that he was worthy to wear the crown and thats why he's off on this big journey. I'm sure in the end he ends up with his dad again and alls well that ends well.
What is heroic about Theseus? What isn't? "he is brave that he can take on anything that comes to him, no matter if he dies or not. There is some things that he isn't brave about is he can be somewhat of a coward. He isn't sure if he wants to do the task, and how it will effect him."
How do choices impact a person's life? "It can effect you, by choosing the wrong choice.And if you are brave enough and have the strength and confident with what you choose."
Is being a hero easy? No. There are challenges that you are not strong enough to face. Not every heroic deed that you do is always that easy."
Do you prefer this method of storytelling to a regular narrative? Why or why not? "No. A hero would write a story like this. It describes what they face and how challenging it is to do. A narrative wouldn't really know what it would be like being a hero."
1. he accomplishes many tasks normal people could not such as killing a minotaur, but also he kills many people and even abandons a princess on an island to accomplish his goals
2. if you make the wrong choices, especially back then, it can lead to certain death...quite easily
3. not at all, you gotta be strong and stuff and you gotta kill people and challenge beasts.
4. not really, but it is pretty fun way of learning a story and it gives us options.
In todays journey our young heir tells his father he is go on a heroic mission. He offers to be a prisioner on a Creation ship. He takes the ship over and sails to Crete. He throws ratboy over the wall and ratboy lets him into the garden. He then meets Icris and one of his friends. They excape using homemade wings. I died serveral times and ran out of time.
day 2 was more deadly for me and was also a lot longer. I died like 15 times. i went to crete and then helped ratboy take over the ship, i went around the wall throw ratboy over it talked to the old guy waited for the princess went to the lybrith killed the minotaur and left the princess there. and then became king.
what is heroic about thesius.... nothing he left a woman on an island what a horrible move.
The choices we all make affect life like when i picked a wrong move my hero died.
ummmm no its not easy you can die thats a huge negitive.
yes it allows you to at least have some choice how to get were you are going.
He is heroic because he is brave. he tries to kill a big monster that seems impossible to kill. He is not heroic because he lied to the girl in the garden about marrying her and he didn't really want to. Choices impact life because whatever you choose to do impacts your own future. Being a hero is not easy because you have to make so many choices and be tricky and stuff. I do prefer this way of learning, I think it is much more interactive and fun, even if I don't finish the story.
1.) he acomplishes tass=ks taht normal people could not such as slaying the minotaur and defating the creatans on the ship but he is in heroic in the fact that he could have easily dies in the tasks as he is mortal.
2.)they impact weather you live or die, where your life goes and who you meet.
3.)no its very very hard
4.) i prefer regular story telling because i ahte making the choices for someone else whjen it has already happend. especially life threatening choices and all that schoolyard who hah. i enjoy reading regular storys more but a choce stoey like this is fun every once in a while.
He is heroic because he kills the minotaur and saves his people while being a great leader.He isn't because he forgets to switch the sail colors.
One choice you make can influence the choices you in the future.
Being a hero is not easy because everyone is counting on you and you have alot of expectations to live up to.
Yes I prefer this method because I still get the information and learn about it but yet hav fun and its entertaining.
In my second journey I talked to my dad about going and saving Athens from the Minos. So I went on the ship and pretended to be a prisioner. I didnt tell anyone about my plan except for the rat boy. He became my partner he followed me every where and help me get free with the three soldiers. We finally got to land and went into the town died. Then we went back and walked along the wall and we thought it was weird that there was no door or opening. So i through ratboy over the wall and we got into the garden and talked with one of the prisoners.
1. He is herioc because he is strong but he thinks invincable.
2.One choice can determine death.
4.No because I am getting the real story and the story i choose confused.
My journey today was much more difficult and at times I felt it may be impossible. But I eventually prevailed. I made sure to listen to get as much advice as possible from my father and took the noble path toward crete to end the curse. While in the city's dungeon with the children for sacrifice I talked to the ratboy and he helped me in taking over the cretan ship. Once we took control we sailed west and me and ratboy went ashore and walked along the wall. We found Daedulus and his son Icarus. They provided us with advice then flew away to their freedom. I then prayed to Aphrodite and saw the princess and began a conversation. Then Mr. Hamby told everyone to stop and write in the blog.
What's heroic about Theseus is that he is noble and will not give up when his task is dangerous.
Choices strongly impact a person's life, this is obvious throughout the journey because many paths lead to death, only a few survive.
Being a hero is not an easy task.
I like this version better because it is more fun and it is easier to really get involved and enjoy the story.
1) Thesus is herioc because he trys and proves himself to everyone and he saves their lives. He wants to be known by people of Athens. He tends to walk into danger head on a lot and that doesnt seem herioc.
2) Choices can be good or bad. His choices were life threatening. He had to think before he acted.
4)No, i prefer the other narrative because i dont want to keep killing him over and over. I want the story to already have a path and i dont want to be the one to make it.
This journey was very long and i didnt quite get to finish it. I didnt die as many times as i did with story number one though. Throught the adventures Theseus becomes a prisioner on the Crecian ship, along with the rat boy whom is his freind. Together they take control of the ship. Once they get to land, Theseus allowes the rat boy to join him in his continuing journey. Once they get into the garden and meet the wealthy inventor and his son, theseus later enters the labrynth. Thats as far as i got.
1)Theseus is a hero because he saves the lives of people and never ends his journey, never gives up. Not a hero because he gets into too much danger.
2)Choices determine a person. We know people by the choices they have made and make.
4)Yes i prefer this method of storytelling because it is more interactive and i like using the computers. It seems more like a game than an assignment. :)
He killed the minotaur. He left the woman on the island.
everything you do affects your life, like a bad choice could make you die for instance.
No, being a hero is very difficult because you have to give up a lot.
Either works.
Thesis is heroic because he puts himself in danger and saves other people. He is not heroic because he is a coward.
Because bad decisions lead to bad outcomes and vise versa.
Being a hero isnt easy at all.
No because it gets confusing and you cant understand it
I died about seven or eight times during part 2. I set off to crete as a prisoner. The other prisoners and I overpower the guards and steer the ship to the west. We plan to sneak to the city. The ratboy and I follow the steps and find a big wall. I throw ratboy over the wall and he opens a trap door. We meet Daedalus and his son Icarus who are being held captive. They escape by flying off a cliff and I send ratboy back to the ship. I pray to Aphrodite that night. I meet the princess of Crete and she agrees to aid me in killing the Minotaur. She also want to go to Athens with me and become my wife.
Theseus is brave but he does things for glory. The choices tell you where you are going and how you're going to get there. No its not b/c you make hard decisions. Yes it is more fun.
As Theseus I never completed the second part of my journey because I have horrible instincts apparently and kept dying. First I talked to my father about going to kill the enemies and he advised me not too or I would die. I didnt listen to him and died about a million times because I made the wrong choices every single time. So I had absolutely no luck.
1. He is heroic because he will do anything for his country or kingdom. He isnt because it seems like he is just trying to work to hard to prove himself and do it so everyone will notice him.
2. If you make the wrong choice you can completely mess up your whole life, sometimes even die.
3. No, being a hero is not easy.
4.Yes, becuase it is more fun then just reading out of a book, but sometimes it takes longer.
1.Theseus is heroic because he puts others before himjself and does great things but he isn't heroic because he kills without really thinking and can be dim witted.
2. They mold who you are and what happens next. Every thing you choose will open up into another series of choices.
3.No because you have to bear the world on your shoulders. Natural instinct for any living thing is self satisfaction and preservation, to overcome such primal instincts is a diffuculty itself.
4. Yes because it is a lot more fun and thrilling.
He got off the ship and found his way into the secret passage with adriannes help. He went througha series of cliche traps like the walls closing in on you. He killed the minotaur and wantef to make the girl his wife but he decided to leave without and go home. i died 4 times.
He is heroic because he goes to Athens to see his father and goes on the mission to kill the beast in cretes. He isn't heroic because Theseus lies to the princess in the garden. Choices impact a persons life because every choice has an outcome whether it is good or bad and that outcome effects the erson. No because it is to much reading and would be a hard way of writing a story.
1. He is strong and determined but wont let his father just announce him as a hero, he wants to prove himself.
2. One choice can lead you down the worng, deadly path.
3. Being a hero is not easy because you have to go through a lot of obsticle to prove yourself as a hero.
4. Yes because you pay more attention to the story and it's more interesting. It's enteraining to choose your own path.
In my journy today I decided travel to Crete to prove myself as a hero. I am taken off a ship but escape with the help of my new rat boy friend. We make it to land and into a graden area and mee 2 brothers who tell us about the Minotare and I decide that I need to kill this creature. The 2 brothers escape but I stay to talk to the princess. That's where my journy stopped for the day.
1. Theseus is a hero because he is strong and wants to be proven as a hero insted of letting his father just give him the kingdom when he dies. What isnt heroic is that he makes wrong decisions based on him not anyone else.
2.Choices impact a persons life bc you somtimes make the wrong desicion and have to deal with what you diid and learn from you mistakes so you make the right choice next time.
3. No i would say it is not. There is alot you have to live up to.
4. Yes and No. It is deffentialy more fun but if you keep dying then it gets frustrating and you seem to just click the choices and not even read!
In my journey today i died at like every single choice but eventually i talked to the rat boy who helped me defet the men on the ship and then we walked along a wall which got us into a garden were we spoke to Icarus and told us about the minotar and the princess who would help me. So after they escaped i prayed to aphrodite and she granted my prayer and made the princess help me. and thats as far as I got/
Well, my adventure was a death filled one. Unfortunately I was overzellous and I chose to move the rock on my own, resulting in death. Then, I chose to go by sea, another misplaced decision. Finally, I made a right decision and spoke to the Urchin. After getting into the Castle, I was rushed to Medea's chambers. There I made several bad decisions until chosing to help rid the sacrifices to Crete. Surprisingly, I only had to go through the dinner once. I toasted the King and happily ever after, right?
well, its safe to say i died like 30+ plus times. the labrynth took a lot of clicking and became quite boresome at times. that ariadne chick, yeah, dont like her.
Also answer these questions:
What is heroic about Theseus? What isn't?
Thesus cares about the commonfolk. but he has no real powers
How do choices impact a person's life? every choice weaves a new thread in the blanket of life. a black thread brings bad a white thread is good, a green thread is nasty vomit.
Is being a hero easy?
i think that depends on the situation given. most of the time i would say no though because it requires you to push yourself to go aboive and beyond your normal self
Do you prefer this method of storytelling to a regular narrative? Why or why not?
i hate it. i want my story atraightforward. i dont want ot have to mess around looking for answers. nuff said
The first time I went through the story, I died. I trained until my mother began telling me of my father's absence and that I was the heir to his kingdom. She asked me to lift a stone to get shoes and a sword so that my father would claim me. I lift the boulder, and I die. *REWIND* I tell my mother no, I will not lift the boulder. I may not be king, but I will always be loved. The End.
Though I died many times, I was, in the end, reunited with my weak and old father. I bit the fat guy when I was travelling by land, and so I killed the bandit that so many had feared. Then I met a young maiden that tried to lure me from my quest, but I choose not to lose my focus. I met a young urchin whose father worked in the castle, and he helped me get inside. I came across Medea, the evil magician, and she tried to ruin my awesome adventure by kolling me, but I cleverly hit the back button everytime I died, so she could never truly beat me. Then my dad tried to poison me, and I toasted to him and then he claimed me as his son and cast Medea away, but she said I would kill my father, BUT I WILL TRY NOT TO!
I took the Athenian route, less violence and more logic. I found my way onto a ship voyage with a bunch of rough dudes and they ended up throwing me overboard. I found out that my father was not only the king, but I had an additional father, Poseidon! In Athens I used my intelligence and wit to get into the kingdom and avoid the evil High-Priestess. I was reuinited with my father after he realized I was his heir.
This journey was horrifying in part to my character dying a multitude of times throughout. Over all I beleive that it went well except when I got to Medea...She held me up for a good few minutes. My death total was somewhere in the region of 10-15 (wasn't keeping track) coming mostly from the castle in which he eventually meets with his own faterh/king guy.
I would have to say that my story was very boring. Especially since I died so many times. It doesnt make sense to be able to draw your sword and not be able to kill anyone, I definatly thought that was a dumb feature to the story. 80's entertainment sucks.
The second try here... Um what went on in my story was definalty unwise to say the least, I chose a lot of death or end of storys, but some how I ended up going on a journey from the beach That had a boulder I picked up and almost crushed me. I then decided to go out to sea and got booted off of a ship that I comendered with only my sword. I stopped at only athens, and needed a way to get into the palace to tell my father that I live and will be his heir when he dies. Unfortunatley medea told us that I would be the one doing the slaying of my father. But I am happy non the least to be with daddy-o.
O.K... Again here for the 2nd time. I Chose to go with my mother to lift the rock. Then to talk to her and not die...(died the first time). Then I chose the land route and died by the bandit the first time to stupidity...actually like 5 times there...Eventually making it to Athens I chose the little kid right away only to be killed by Medea inside, multipule times. I found the correct path in the end (multi-deaths) and was reunited with my father the king. And yes I did read the story.
For the second part of my story, I chose, of course to go end the sacrifices of Crete. I got into the labrynth with surprising ease and I only died a few times. When the mintaur actually confronted me, I died once more and then I prayed to Asterion and Voila! I was well on my way to being a hero. On the way home, I chose to honor my agreement with the girl and then she killed me. Which was sad, I learned my lesson after that and I went on to be king of Athens. yay!
I find that Theseus is heroic because he uses his mind more than his might. And, I think this is what made him a great hero, because he had both qualities.
Choices obviously make a big impact on a person's life. Without choices we'd all be the same, all headed in the same direction.
Being a hero is definitely not easy! There are many ways for you to make bad decisions and, in this case especially, most of them make you die! I think I have a new found respect for heroes now, because they all made the right decisions or they wouldn't be in the stories.
I do prefer this method for many reasons. Just one being that now we've had the chance to realize how many choices the heroes have had to choose from. Very scary, I think, to know that if one decision goes bad and you'll wind up dead.
>What is heroic about Theseus? What isn't?
Although he certainly does free Athens from the deal with Crete, he’s also (at least in this version of the myth) proud, quick to anger, and frustratingly arrogant. By the end of the myth, I was ready to slap him and take over as hero myself.
>How do choices impact a person's life?
Simple, seemingly-irrelevant choices can change a person’s life forever. The ripples of past decisions determine far more than most would be willing to admit.
>Is being a hero easy?
With a little bit of diplomacy and common sense, it can be, but Theseus seems to have neither.
>Do you prefer this method of storytelling to a regular narrative? Why or why not?
It’s a novelty, nothing more. Sure, it’s interesting to see different ways the story can play out, but it’s frustrating that only one path leads to anything other than death.
I began my story very well. I did not die at all until the end of part one. I did as I was asked to and moved the boulder to retrieve the sandals and the sword. I chose to go by sea. It was there that I learned Poseidon was the father of Theseus. Once getting to the island of Crete, I met with the king and he saw that Theseus was his son. He then put Medea to death.
On part two, my death total ended up being fifteen. I first died because I fell off the staircase behind the castle. Then when I threw the ratboy, he fell on top of me and I fell off again. Finally I made it into the labyrinth and learned about Daedelus and Icarus and the royal family. After speaking with them, I decided to wait for Ariadne and I gained her help through a prayer to Aphrodite. I had some trouble navigating the maze, but I eventually faced the minotaur and spoke his name, confusing him, allowing me to kill him. At the end of my journey, I left Ariadne sleeping on the shore because Theseus did not truly love her. Upon returning, to Athens, Theseus realized he forgot to raise white sails after learning his father jumped from a cliff, killing himself.
One thing that is heroic about Theseus is that he is persistent. Something not so heroic is his lack of knowledge.
Choices greatly inmpact a person's life because they are what make a person who he/she is.
Being a hero is most definitely not easy. It is quite the opposite.
I don't know that I prefer this method of storytelling over what we do in class because we didn't really discuss this one. All I have is the way I interpreted it.
My adventure was a little rough. i'm prettty sure i died more than a 100 times. greek stories are a little out there with every turn of the story it makes more and more odd.
Well the story was pretty long and let me say if thesus only had one life. the story would have ended before it started. I died a lot, it seemed like no matter which path i chose i was wrong. the good thing though is it is a game on computer, or i would have been in serious trouble. I finally made it through the story, hoe i'm not really sure because every time i answered some guy was stabbing me with a knife. i was surprised it fifn't turn out to be to bad of a story.
In my journey I died more times than I could count on my two hands. I removed the rock and I died. I went into town instead of going toward the ship and I died. So many little things. I ended up going on the ship and finding out that not only is the king of Athens is my father but also is Posiden. Then the urchin boy helped me get to the king. And finally I toasted the king and then came part II.
In my story I move the rock and get the sandles and sword. I travel by land to get to Athens and I chose the middle path to take. I ask a young boy for help and then I am take to see Medea. I eventually get to see the king. I make it through the maze and my journey is over.
I went by sea and learned that poseidon was also my father, and then got to to my father's land aboard the ship that threw me off. I met medea and toasted to the king, and he saw i was his son and was reunited with him.
Wow, was my journey long! But along the way I learned not to trust too many people, especially women in veils; however, urchins seem to be alright. I learned that the paths less travelled are not always the best to take (no matter how much Frost insists). And I learned not to drink from a glass of wine with swirling black liquid, instead, stall. I promised my mother I would find my father and be the heir to his kingdom as I was born to do, and I did. And I got rid of the his nasty servant who actually believed I was going to help the king make sacrifices to Crete. Ha. Showed you! Now I have a father and eventually a kingdom!
In my story I tried to stay behind so I wouldn't be killed over and over but that didn't work because you can't have a story if it ends in about five pages unless it is a kid's book. But I decided to take a cruise and go across seas. I died many times because I honestly didn't trust the man and I didn't want to kill him so after realizing that you had to go with him or you died every time I went with him. I died once again when I told the men on the ship to go closer to the shore. When I finally decided to jump in the water I thought since it was dark I would swim to the light and I ended up living. When I got the palace I told the lady I would help the lady that I would help the king and I made a toast to the king and he noticed my sword and he remembered that I was his child. He sent the lady away because she was to stupid to realize that I was his child. And the end for part one.
i was lucky @ 1st then i died and finaly made it to athens. talked 2 every1 but the urchin then met the king with a toast.....
Theseus likes to die because he did about 20 times. I chose to move the rock and recieve the sandals and sword. I asked my mother and she told me to take the ship, so I did. They eventually threw me overboard, where I swam to a glowing light from my daddy Poseidon. He shot me back to the boat, and I went on, met Medea, and was reunited with my real father. Madea poofed into black smoke and cursed Athens. Good deal.
My journey to be reunited with my father was very interesting. At first I did not want to leave my mother but after long meditating and lifting rocks I finally decided to remove the boulder and retrieve what my father had left for me. After that I decided to travel to Athens by sea. I came across very mean men who only wanted to kill me and when the storm came i convinced them to throw me overboard. After that I found my way to the city of Athens. There I came across a very lovely woman. I asked her to help me out and she took me to a dark alley and slit my throat. I retrace my steps and finally make it to the great halls. There I meet a very nice woman named Medea. I told her that I would offer my services to the King. Medea takes me to the king and while I toast him, he sees my sword and stops me from drinking the poisonous wine. From there my father sent Medea to her death and I was once again reunited with my father.
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I died two times. One when the old man killed me and the other was by medea. I was reunited with my father and I defeated the evil witch. I went by land and chose the middle path and kept a semi-low profile while I was in the city. Overall it was a expierence i will never forget.
1. What is heroic about Theseus? What isn't?
He cares about the common folk,but really doesnt have any special powers( other than being strong) that would have me give him the title of a hero, but it is a heroic quality. And as for how he is not heroic, its because
2. How do choices impact a person's life?
Every decision, and every choice opens a door and sews a new thread in the fabric of life. very much like the butterfly effect (the theory not the ashton kutcher movie or the C-Quality straight to dvd sequels)
3. Is being a hero easy?
I wish i could say yes, and it is very easy to write a hero into a story, but in all reality, no it is not easy, it would take someone everythign they have and to go above and beyond their "norm" to be a hero, in my opinion. No i would say it is not. There is alot you have to live up to.
Do I like this method of storytelling?
Yes and No. It is a lot more fun but if you keep dying then it gets frustrating and you seem to just click the choices and not even read, I like it, it’s a good change of pace.
Great site!
My journey was surprisingly quick, but he did die a few times. I mostly had trouble through the ship/traveling part, but it was mostly straight forward for me. I really enjoyed the interactive parts so far.
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