Thursday, May 7, 2009

Goodbye, Seniors

Here's your chance to say what you enjoyed and what you didn't enjoy about Mythology.

Make a short post that includes this information:

What were some things you enjoyed about Mythology?
What were some things that you didn't enjoy?
What was your favorite unit and/or story?
What was your least favorite unit and/or story?
What was something that we didn't learn about that you wished we would have?
Any other comments.

Thanks for being such great students! Good luck in the future!


Ashley Morris said...

Mythology was one definitley one of my favorite classes. My favorite unit was when we researched local legends and got to hear everyone's presentations. I thought that it was interesting because these are legends we could go experience for ourselves. I really liked reading the plays in class because they were always funny and an entertaining way to learn about mythology. The only thing I would change would be to go over the study guides before the tests....or just make them easier lol =)

Amanda Wynn said...

I actually ended up really liking Mythology. It was different than the usual stuff we learn about in school. I learned many new things about what people believed and how their minds worked back then. I think they were a little bit crazy.

My favorite story was probably the trojan war. I loved the fight between Venus and juno.
They are so hateful sometimes.

The only thing I didn't like about the class were the test.

TannerO. said...

Mythology was one of those classes that I had wanted to take from the moment I saw that NHS had it. It may have taken three and a half years to get to it, but it was definately worth the wait. My favorite part of Mythology was the "Heroes" section, due to the fact that they are the basis for all modern day heroes and are the most original(b/c they are the original). The story that I liked the most was that of the Illiad. I know that's just kindof a copout answer but it's the truth. The part that was my least favorite was that of the lovers; I'm a guy so it's the only logical answer. The part of mythology that I really wanted to learn was that of the whole King Artuhur Mithos; I'm well aware that it's the next section, but I'm not sticking around for it...seriously. On a final note, I must say that waking up and comming to mythology first hour has been quite an awesome experience. Thank you, Mr. Hamby.

Lauren Hess said...

I enjoyed the cool projects we did in mythology. I really liked the barbies and even that pain in the butt myth project i did on the Crescent Hotel.
The only thing I didn't enjoy was um... can't think of anything.
I liked all of the stories. I loved reading about Medea and how psycho she was. I really liked the story on Medusa because who on earth would do the dirty in a virgin godess' temple? I mean come on! I also really liked the story on Atalanta even though it was sad in the end because she was the only female hero. I really liked learning about the Trojan War.
My least favorite was some of the whiney men stories. Like the guy who tried to ride Helios' chariot. What a moron! And yet they were so heroic right? Hercules killed his family... so what if Hera is the spawn of satan and made him go crazy. He still was so looked up to!
Maybe some different mythology besides greek. Greek/Roman mythology is probably the most interesting but what about Chinese mythology? or something like that.

I had a great time this year and i'm really glad i took this class. Between world short stories and mythology I learned a lot about other countries. Even more than history.

Cameron Steele said...

There were a lot of things that I enjoyed about this mythology class, even though it was the first hour of the day, and that is typically not an enjoyable time.

A couple of things I enjoyed about this class were the plays that we read - they made class much more entertaining than any other mythology class could've been. Your (Mr Hamby's) sense of humor made it quite fun as well - we could never tell when you were being sarcastic or serious.

A couple of things I didn't enjoy about the class were all the artistic activities, and that O Brother, Where Art Thou? had to come to an end. I am absolutely horrible at that kind of thing, and you really exposed those artistic skills, or lack thereof.

My most favorite story was the Aeneid, because it was an ongoing story that we read for a whole week. I also loved the Trojan War - it was fun to talk about and play games in class.

My least favorite story was Atalanta, because I thought it was pretty boring and uneventful.

I really can't think of anything that I wanted to learn but didn't, because I am pretty excited about getting out of here.

Thanks for everything, Mr. Hamby, you are an awesome teacher and I appreciate all the hard work you put in for our class this year. Have a good summer!

Megan Eisman said...

I enjoyed Mythology more than I thought I was going to this semester. I like learning about the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology and reading the stories about them. The stories were interesting because they weren't like reading serious history stories, they were sarcastic and funny. I didn't enjoy reading the Odyssey, because I thought it was rather boring and confusing. My favorite stories were the ones with the goddesses fighting with each other over everything. The story of the Golden Apple was probably my favorite. I wished I could have stayed and learned about King Arthur with the Juniors. That would have been interesting.

Overall, I'm glad I took mythology. It has been a good sememster. :)

Gabe F. said...

Wow! It has been very interesting learning some of the origins of modern day things. I most enjoyed Mr. Hamby's sarcasm when he made remarks to places in the stores; it made the stories more funny. I think i enjoyed almost all of mythology because I cannot thing of a time I did not like it. I just remembered I really enjoyed my local folklore project about The Bride under The Bridge. My favorite story was the Aeneid. I thought it was really cool learning about Aeneas' journey to rebuild the Trojan civilization. I very much did not enjoy the story of Pygmalion. A guy caressing his hand-made statue is a little too awkward. Finally, I really wish we could have learned a little about Egyptian mythology. I think the Egyptians had a very interesting culture. My final comment is that I loved all the partner work. Hannah and I made a kick-butt mythology team! Thanks, Mr. Hamby!

Hannah B. =] said...

Mythology has been one of my very most favorite classes. From the students to the amazing teacher, waking up every morning and going to mythology started my day with a smile. My favorite part of Mythology has to be the trojan war game (even though the greeks were defeated...ugh...) The game was so much fun to play and there was learning too. I can't really say I had a least favorite part of mythology... If I had to, I guess it would be analyzing "the War" because it was a tad bit awkward... But of course Gabe and I had so much fun with it. I also loved doing all the plays because they were fun, entertaining, and got the whole class involved. My favorite stories were about Atalanta!! Woot Woot! Girl power!! My least favorite story would have to be "Leda and the Swan." So very awkward!!! I wish we could have learned a little more about the lesser gods because they always seemed to be doing something crazy and fun in the stories we read!! But overall I have had the best time.

Drew Muller said...

Mythology for me was pretty cool. I learned a lot about how we got names for the days of the week as well as the months of the year. The stories were good as well. I espeicially liked Icarus's story. It's sad that he died but he should have listened to his dad. Maybe I liked it because I was a hugh fan of Kid Icarus on the NES back in the day. The project was both a fun adventure as well as a pain in the neck. Sorry to say but with me doing the Joplin Spook Light it was tiring. The only project I didn't like was the poem project. I flatout hate poetry so it wasn't very fun for me. Overall I had a great time and I highly recomend the class for anyone.

Amanda Gravitt said...

I thought mythology was a good way to start every morning. Some early morning sarcasm always made my senioritis a little less severe. My favorite part of the class was learning about everyone's local legends (That was actually one of the only reasons I wanted to take the class in the first place). I also liked reading the plays because they were definitely way more entertaining than any mythology textbook could ever be. It was also fun because we had a lot of people in our class that really got into their characters. I really didn't like the tests in this class. There were just way too many stories to remember!

Riki W said...

i enjoyed the mythology class with Mr. Hamby. most all of the stories or myths were pretty interesting, the only one i didnt like was the myth about Medusa and her lover. although there were a few pretty crazy people back then. My favorite unit would definately be the Trojan War or the Aeneid.
i must say that the class plays were more than a little interesting, between Gabe playing two parts and Catie playing old men the plays could be nothing but hilarious... and by far the funniest thing was Mr. Hamby tring to get people to make the odd sound effects that went along with their parts, like getting Kitty to screech or the class to make sounds of the crowd. ha... this semester has been really fun.

Krista Clark said...

I had a lot of fun in mythology. It was really entertaining and I really enjoyed how we read the stories in class. I thought our project about Missouri legends was really interesting and I learned a lot of new things I didn't think I would learn. I can't really say which story I liked the most because they were all good even though they were all a little strange. Since I really enjoyed the class, I actually remembered more about mythology than I thought I would. I'm kind of upset that I'm missing the end of the year because the class is going to learn about King Arthur and I think that would be really interesting. Overall, this was probably one of my favorite classes this year!

Danielle Jobe said...

Mythology was such a fun class! I loved reading all the stories in class and mustering up my very few artistic skills for the interesting projects. My favorite unit was the Trojan War. Before starting the unit, I was completely unaware of all the details of the war. My least favorite unit was the research project. It was interesting, but I didn't feel like a learned much. There wasn't really anything that I wished we would have covered. However, I think it would be helpful if the class were a year long so that we could have learned even more. Mythology was one of the most entertaining classes I have ever taken! Nice job, Mr. Hamby! :)

Karen Aguayo said...

I really enjoyed Mythology. I was looking forward to taking this class because I have always had an interest in the subjet, but never knew much about it. I also got good reviews from my sister, Krystal. One thing that I enjoyed in particular was the local legend project. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot of things that I didn't know about our legend.

One thing that I did not particularly enjoy about this class was the amount of plays that we read. I enjoyed the plays individually, I just did not enjoy the amount.

My favorite story that we read was probably the story of the Trojan War. I enjoyed reading about how the gods started an entire war over a golden apple. My least favorite story was the Odyssey.

One thing that we did not learn about that I would like to have was King Arthur. I'm really glad I took this class, it was a fun way to end my high school career. :)

Kitty Shultz said...

In mythology i rather enjoyed learning about the primative man's heroes. The boy who road Helios chariot, Hercules the crazy family killer, oh and you just can't forget the idiot who tried to tame pegasus! I mean really, geez, if it weren't for Atalanta the greeks/romans would have never made it! But i guess a bunch of men running around with swords and beating on their chest plates like a bunch of apes is way, way more entertaining than any woman who actually knows what she is doing. I also enjoyed making fun of Gabe and his random comments...(look elipses)...i didn't like all of the subs, they throw the rythm that is mythology way off balance and they just don't have Mr. Hamby's sense of humor and they also do not take as much pride in the torture of their students as Hamby does. I feel that the material could have been expanded alittle and that the class could be alittle bit long in order to cover other parts of mythology. other than that i think Mr. Hamby did a very good job of teaching and covering the material we did go over.

I will leave you with this final thought:..............................................................................haha Hamby this is what you get for the last 3 years of torture and therapy you have caused me by taunting me and calling me Kitty Mcfarland......................................................

ericluper said...

all the new comtent is what i enjoyed most ... instead of the same stuff you study in the last 12 years of school but i didnt enjoy the projects one bit ... id rather do something like a work sheet i like all the stories equally and i probably wouldve liked to learn about other gods as well .. such as norse and maybe some egyptian gods as well

Ryan Krahenbuhl said...

I thought mythology was very interesting this year. my favorite part was probably the trojan was. I enjoyed the reading the plays instead of the book which i did not understand. The thing that i liked the least was probably the tests.. There was a lot of things I didnt expect to learn but it was all interesting how everything came about. I would have to say its the most entertaining and interesting class this year. Enjoyed it!

Katelyn Benedix said...

I actually really like mythology. Learning about the gods and goddesses was my favorite part. I also thought it was cool that Mr. Hamby wrote the stories so they were easier to understand. There wasn't really anything in mythology that i didn't like. I thought everything we learned was really interesting and im glad i took the class. GOODBYE MR. HAMBY!!

Melinda Polly said...

Mythology was a interesting bc u learn about how things relate to modern day names and references. We need to get virgil from the video we saw to come speak to the class on the cresant hotel.... class overall was a good expierence

Chelsey Hayes said...

I liked all of mythology. There wasnt really any unit that I didnt find interesting and perplexing. I believe that more than the material was interesting, the teacher was interested, therefor all information was displayed in its brightest light. Thank you Mr. Hamby for your passion of mythology!

Courtney Duncan said...

I really enjoyed how everything in mythology was correlated to how the world turned out today. There isn't really anything that i did't like but if i had to choose one thing i did't enjoy it would be the ten page long assignments that we did in the labs. I liked all of the stories we went over because of how Mr. Hamby wrote them in a way to make it fun and easier to understand.

Luce Crim said...

I enjoyed almost everything in mythology. All of the stories we learned about were a kind of weird history lesson.
However I really wish we could have read more myths and legends, I feel like i didnt get enough.
My favorite story was the jouney of Aeneas from Troy to Rome.
There really wasn't a specific unit I didn't enjoy but I felt I knew a lot about the trojan war already so it would have been nice to spend more time on a different unit. I would have liked to learn about some of the less famous myths and legends.
Sweet class. Thanks Mr. Hamby

Jacob Barton said...

1.What were some things you enjoyed about Mythology? I enjoyed learning a few new myths that connected present day language to mythological times, and also learning about local myths and legends, since i recently moved here and didn't know much about missouri folklore. The scripts we used for class readinng were also entertaining due to the dramatic enthusiasm of the entire class :)
2.What were some things that you didn't enjoy? Having all those subs when Mr. Hamby was gone with his kid and then when he broke his nose.
3.What was your favorite unit and/or story? The Theseus activity was engaging (and frustrating) and I enjoyed it, as well as the Trojan War activity, even though I died first :P
4.What was your least favorite unit and/or story? Don't remember having one of those.
5.What was something that we didn't learn about that you wished we would have? Maybe a little bit of norse mythology
6.Any other comments? The unique style of Mr. Hamby's notes helped to bring the myths alive. And his commentary was entertaining and even enlightening at times.

Justin B. said...

Mythology was probably one of my favorite classes. I enjoyed learning about the local legends. What I didnt like was probably the tests and the poems. I really wish we could have learned about the Norse myths.

Ryan Rehagen said...

I Really enjoyed taking mythology this year. Before this class I knew absolutaly nothing about Greek Mythology.

The best part about the class was the way Mr. Hanby presented the Stories. The play format allowed for the whole class to get involved and made it more enjoyable. my least favorite part of the class was anything i had to do artistic. I cant draw anything to save my life.

My favorite story we read about this year was The Golden Apple, because it started the trojan war witch i liked learning about.

Well Mr. Hanby your one funny guy and made me laugh all year long.

Ethan Salez said...

Mythology was a really fun class to take for my senior year. I found it fun learning about all the greek mythology Gods and Godesses. I took it cause my mother said that she took it in high school and it was a fun class and she was right. Its think its kinda funny cause some of the stuff is so far fetched, it kinda makes you think if some of this stuff was real but you know that it is not. One of my favorite stories was where Zeus took the shape of a swan and made that girl lay an egg. And also where he took the form of gold and showered of that girl. He was a player in the ancient times.I also liked the class cause you hade some funny stories that you told. Also it seemed like the jokes you said i was one of the only one laughing. You are my favorite second teacher behind mr. Busby, congrats. It was also fun learning about the spookyness of springfield, and hearing people present there projects.Thanks for the 100% you gave me and Ryan on the research.Peace Mr. Hamby

Greg Robeson (the forgotten) said...

A couple things i really enjoyed about this class are the stories we read and how you interacted with the class. I really enjoyed your sense of humor and how you used it to be an aproachable instructor as well as an effective mentor. The stories were very entertaining which left an imprint on my memory. This helped my with learning and comprehension of the roman and greek lifestyles.

Despite the greatness of this class I do have to say that I didn't enjoy one part of it, though this part was out of your control. Some of the students didn't have very successful social skills which caused some tension seperation in group activites.

I'll have to admit my favorite story was the one where Juno visited the West Wind and asked for his assistance. Your comic-relief in an otherwise dull story made it more memorable and entertaining.

My least favorite unit was the one where we had to investigate a haunting. It wasn't a bad unit, I just didn't have as great of a time doing that project as I did the others.

I wish we would have read more than just excerpts from the Illiad and Odyssey. This is just a personal desire that I've had since I first heard of these epics in the seventh grade.

My extra comments are just general statements I have about the class:
1. Your teaching style is great.
2. The stories we read aloud greatly influenced my grade in the class.
3. You managed to make an entertaining class out of an otherwise boring subject.
4. I wish I would've taken other classes with you as my teacher.

Coleman Walker said...

Mythology was really cool. I had an awesome time learning about all the crazy people back then. The stories were sweet and the plays in class were really fun. My favorite part was when we go to go research local legends because they were myths that were nearby and we could expirience them first hand. There was absolutely nothing I didnt like about this class. I have already recommended to all of my junior friends to take this class because I know they will have a great learning expirience and a lot of fun doing all the fun activities.
Thank you for an awesome year.

Morgan Smith said...

Mythology was a class i actually looked forward to every day.It's interesting and was a subject I had no knowledge about. I really liked the plays and it helped me comprehend and enjoy each of the stories. There weren't even any parts about this class that I didn't like, except maybe the hanus jokes teasing Bethanie and I for winning state...:( My favorite story was probably the Icarus story, and my least favorite was the two lovers that talk through a crack in the wall...I learned everything I was hoping to I think. I really enjoyed being in your class and appreciate your dry humor and sarcasm. Anyway I hope everything goes well with your little baby Luke! Good Luck and Thank You!

Sam Schriver said...

Mythology was one of my very few favorite classes I had throughout high school. Along with American Studies, it was the most interesting class I took. There wasn't much I didn't enjoy, except there were times when I was working on my project where I was thinking I wish I didn't have to do this, but it wasn't always that bad. My favorite unit was learning about the different gods. I learned how inaccurate the Disney movie Hercules really is. There wasn't any unit that I did not like. The only thing I wished I got to learn about was King Arthur, but that is because I'm a senior and had to leave before it was taught. Thanks for a fun year!